USB to RS485 Converter Adapter
nUSB connector: to your PC
nRS485 connector: to your RS485 device
nNo need external power, powered by USB port
nFully compliant USB 2.0 standard , backward compatible with USB1.1
nNOTICE: Per the notice from factory, the new batch uses chip PL2303HX from Taiwan which with more compatibility than CH340 Chip, if you have any question or problem, please feel free to contact us, thanks for your support! ,
nDimension:6.0 x1.8×1.4cm
nColor: Black
nSupport System: Windows XP , Vista, Windows 7 , Linux , MacOS , and WinCE5.0 drive
nSupports baud rate range : 75bps – 115200bps , up to 6Mbps
nSupports Plug , Play and hot-swap ( USB side) ;
nBetter than using CH341D chip or similar chip to support the laptop USB port .
nCommunication distance up to 1.2KM, with anti-jamming performance of industrial site ;
nWork temperature range: -40°C ~ +85°C
nCommunication distance :1200m(max)
nAll kinds with RS485 port device parameter settings , data communication
nShort distance , such as parameter settings of the computer peripheral equipment , the use of common data lines can be .
nA and A port of the device when the wiring is connected , B and device B connected . Some devices D + A and D, – B .
nLED display of communication data
nMachine PLC data reading and writing
nMonitoring data read and write , and PTZ control
nCentralized control of household electrical appliances
nAccess Control System ; card
nA variety of industrial automation ; instrumentation
nParking ; bus fees
nDining Hall ; staff attendance
nHighway toll station; ATM machine